
#HGDesignsCrochetHeather of HG Designs Crochet

HG Designs Crochet (HGDC) is the creator of modern granny square patterns and the producer of mini courses to transform hobbyists into successful indie designers. Founder, Heather Griffith, established HGDC as a creative outlet whilst studying Law at university, having been taught one Christmas Eve by her Nannie. Heather now runs HGDC alongside working as a trainee Solicitor.

Whilst you can never have to many granny square blankets, Heather began the search for garment patterns to incorporate the granny square. Wanting modern and functional wardrobe staples Heather designed her own pieces. After demand on the HGDC YouTube channel the patterns were published for sale.

Heather has now gone on to write the first of a five part workbook series for the aspiring crochet or knitwear designer, covering every aspect from designing, to testing through to launch. Workbook 1 is now available!